How to Remember the Big Amount of Information

Dec 6, 2022

How the Human Brain Stores Information

Many people don’t even know that, but our biological brain is literally a slow, but massively parallel analog of an electronic computer, created by the evolution process. Humans have slowly evolved to rely more on their intelligence, and less on physical strength and fitness. The size of our brain has grown to be the largest among all mammals now living on the planet Earth.

However, not all brain mass is used for storing information. The big part of it that essentially distinguishes us from primates, our closest intelligence ancestors, is called the neocortex. It is a big gray mass with large cavities that we all saw in pictures and biology class diagrams. In an average human, the neocortex is made up of 300 billion neurons, which are connected by special connecting “wires” – synapses. The low electric charges between neurons are used by the brain to transfer information bits and store and remember things. 

Some people have a more developed neocortex, characterized by a slightly larger number of neurons and better connections between them. They were either born with this advantage or trained their brains, much like we train our muscles during physical exercises.

Top Techniques to Remember Big Amount of Information

Enough of the theory, let’s review some of the most effective techniques for remembering large amounts of information, which everyone can start practicing right now.

  • Use your visual memory. It is a scientifically proven fact: our brain better perceives and digests information received with the help of vision. Therefore, it is in everyone’s best interest to visualize the information. If you need to study any phenomenon – draw a picture, or a diagram, if you study words in a foreign language – write them down, and make tables and lists.
  • Use mnemonic techniques. As it turns out, association is a more effective method of memorization than repetition. Therefore, it is worth using mnemonic techniques, rhyming, drawing parallels, and associating memorized data with already-known information. For example, you need to remember the number 1969. You divide it into two parts and make associations: 19 – I am 19 years old, 69 – my grandmother is 79 years old.
  • Approach learning from the position of a mentor. The process of memorization is more effective if you explain the information to someone, maybe even to yourself. Therefore, approach the study from the position of a mentor and an expert.
  • Use the yellow marker method. Write summaries or highlight the most important information in notebooks, printouts, books, and manuals. The “yellow marker” method is based on the fact that we are much better at remembering data that stands out from the rest. It is often used in the press and is ideal for structuring and further memorizing a large amount of information.
  • Memorize information incrementally. Don’t try to grasp the immeasurable – memorizing the content of three textbooks in a day is beyond the power of even the world’s memorizing champions. Break the information into blocks and ensure its dosed reception – organize a staged study, which you will alternate with the rest.
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  • Increase your concentration. The efficiency of the memorization process directly depends on the concentration of attention. If you are constantly distracted and cannot concentrate, then make it a rule to train your attention every day.
  • Focus on associations. The basis of the process of memorizing a large amount of information is based on associations. The brighter they are; the better. Draw parallels, use mnemonic methods, and try to see as many similarities as possible in the material with what you already know.
  • Repeat the material three times. The studied material should be repeated three times: the first – a few minutes after studying, the second – after 3-4 hours (ideally right before you go to bed), and the third – the next morning. Three repetitions can provide practically guaranteed memorization for an average person.
  • Retell what you have learned. After studying a block of information, retell it. It is better done in front of other people, but you can also do it yourself. Try to speak as loudly as possible, with feeling and intonation. This will help connect emotional perception and remember the material faster.
  • Add impressions. This advice follows from the previous one: the more emotions this or that information evokes in you, the faster it sticks to your memory. That is why it is worth trying to remember a large amount of data in unusual ways and in unusual places. 

And finally, try to stay in a positive mode while learning. Just like with any other activity, a positive attitude and enthusiasm catalyze effectiveness and help you attain success in whatever you are doing.


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