How To Write A Synthesis Essay?

Sep 7, 2023

How To Write A Synthesis Essay

Everybody knows what a synthesis is, as the word is occasionally used in everyday language. However, when faced with a synthesis essay assignment at school, students oftentimes get confused and produce something not quite on par with a true synthesis essay genre. In this post, we’ll take a deep dive into this topic and, in particular, will show you how to write a great synthesis essay using relevant examples.

What is a synthesis essay

A common synthesis essay definition states that this essay is a highly analytical type of academic paper focusing on comparing and blending different things. 

The focus of a synthesis essay may be on various literature sources, articles, books, research publications, and even viewpoints. Students are asked to review and compare them, literally to synthesize their main ideas, concepts, and findings. 

However, the true goal of a synthesis essay is not to summarize what each of the sources is about (which is the most common mistake), but to work out a unique perspective. You are asked to develop an opinion that is not repeating any of the reviewed ideas, but rather combines knowledge and facts from all sources at once.

Example from the world of physics:

There is Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, which describes the gravity between large cosmic objects. There is also a Quantum Theory, which, on the other hand, is focusing on the tiniest of particles, such as atoms and molecules. 

Your goals as a writer could be to synthesize both theories to produce a theory that would explain everything: large and small objects and forces acting between them. The task is not to repeat what each theory says, but to “cook” something unique. 

Although let’s be honest, such a Theory of Everything would reward you with nothing short of a Nobel Prize in physics, let alone the highest score in your class ever 😆     

Synthesis essay structure

A typical synthesis essay structure follows a common academic writing structure with a clear introduction, the main part, and the conclusion. At the same time, there are some peculiarities, which are unique for a synthesis essay only.

⚠️Tip: Making a structure of your synthesis essay would go smoother if you prepare a synthesis essay outline first. 

Now let’s take a look at an example of a perfect synthesis essay structure. 

  1. Introduction:
    1. Begin with a “hook” – an attention-grabbing observation from your analysis of the reviewed sources;
    2. Include background context to trigger relevant associations about the topic in the brain of your reader;
    3. Finish off with the presentation of your main point, your thesis statement – clearly describing the purpose of your work.
  2. The Main Body:
    1. Should consist of the estimated number of paragraphs needed to back up your thesis statement;
    2. Give enough evidence from your reviewed sources to support your statement. Don’t neglect contradicting arguments, as they would make up a fantastic addition to your analysis if you assess them properly.
    3. Pay special attention to any trends, similarities, patterns, and differences in the sources – they should form the basis of your analysis and the resulting synthesis.
    4. Start each new paragraph with a topic sentence, and don’t forget about transition words and phrases to connect adjacent paragraphs.
  3. Conclusion:  
    1. Finish your analysis of the reviewed sources with a reiteration of your main point;
    2. In a couple of sentences, reflect on the importance of your synthesizing work;
    3. Reinforce the value of your main point (thesis statement) by a thought-provoking, but relevant final statement.

I How to write a synthesis essay introduction

Continuing the discussion of the above-mentioned ideal structure of a synthesis essay, let’s now give a concrete example of an introductory paragraph. It will be based on the potential essay topic of “Aggression: One of the Most Debated Concepts in Psychology”:

Many prominent psychologists have devoted their lives to studying the concept of aggression. Most of them (Phillip Zimbardo, Stanley Milgram) argue that as such, aggression is a by-product of human society, that humans act badly under the burden of social circumstances and life complications. However, there are also those (Konrad Lorenz), who claim that we are essentially born evil. They go further by saying that aggression is among the human basic instincts. However, I think that all the researchers are missing something profoundly important – namely, that aggression is not only an innate instinct, but a spontaneous one, which will inevitably “break out” if not acknowledged and “managed” properly.

⚠️ Tip: Proper citing culture is a critical success factor in synthesis essay writing. The most common referencing style used is APA.

II How to write a synthesis essay body paragraph

The body paragraph of the above-given exemplary introduction must focus on proving the main claim – that aggression has a spontaneous nature. Watch out for how references from various studied sources are used to lead to that claim:

There is plenty of evidence that from the natural instructs point of view, humans and animals are very much alike. Both show the survival instinct, the procreation instinct, the instinct to find food or feeding instinct, and others. Aggression is also common for both species, as shown by several researchers in their works, e.g., according to Lorenz (1966), “Aggressive behavior serves as a natural adaptive response in various animal species” (p. 25). However, the display of aggressive behavior is not always associated with external irritating factors, as Milgram says (1971), but can be attributed to spontaneous outbursts. For instance, human couples, who often go on hiking trips in remote places, often quarrel and fight with each other with no apparent external trigger.

III How to write a conclusion for a synthesis essay

It is important to avoid empty judgments and the introduction of any new information in the conclusion. Referral to the thesis statement and pinpointing the importance and implications of the current research are crucial, though:

We have given ample evidence to question the completeness of some of the fundamental behavioral theories and to show that aggression is both an innate and SPONTANEOUS instinct in humans and animals alike. Just like humans, various animal species don’t need apparent external triggers to display aggressive behavior. The significance and implications of this observation should go far beyond the development of new theoretical concepts in psychology and ethology and must lead to the public debate on practical safety measures to prevent and avoid non-motivated aggressive behavior.    

Synthesis essay format

In most other assay types, you don’t need to be academically strict with references. Usually, it is enough to provide an indirect citing of external sources, such as mentioning an author’s name and a book title.

However, things are different with a synthesis essay. Proper referencing is essential here since the very nature of a synthesis essay is about analyzing, comparing and, ultimately, synthesizing other sources of information and knowledge.

The most common referencing style used in synthesis essays is APA (American Psychological Association) style. It has two basic rules:

  • For in-text citations: use the author’s name and year of publication in parentheses;
  • For bibliographic list: author(s) last Name, first initial(s). (Publication year). Title of Book. Publisher.

⚠️ Tip: If you want to learn more about how to write a synthesis essay in APA style, check out the official website of the American Psychological Association.

How to write a good synthesis essay

The secret to a good synthesis essay is the readiness to address potential counterarguments. Beginners repeat the same mistake over and over – they panic, and show fear of any facts that don’t fit their assumptions and findings. Hence, they simply reject or pretend to ignore them. 

However, you cannot fool an experienced professor or whoever knowledgeable enough would be reading your essay. So, be ready to discuss those opposing viewpoints and show with evidence why your assumptions are superior.

How many paragraphs should a synthesis essay have? Well, the rule of thumb is to have as many paragraphs as you need to support your thesis statement. We suggest not exceeding the threshold of 7 paragraphs, corresponding to a 3-page essay – the reasonable limit for the essay as an academic paper.

The Bottom Line

Writing a good synthesis essay requires both knowledge and practice. Equipped with the tips and illustrations from the current guide, you should be able to craft your very first synthesis essay or strengthen your existing skills in doing this difficult, but interesting type of academic assignment. 

We know from experience that once a student masters writing a synthesis essay, any further academic research work that comes their way, goes so much smoother.     


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