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Essay writing help and tips from our writers. Check out also our samples and examples.

5 Common Mistakes in Writing

Check out some of the sudden death mistakes in writing an essay in order to avoid them in the future. 💥Affect/effect Both words refer to the influence of an external factor on something or someone. ‘Affect’ is a verb, while ‘effect’ is a noun. Example: “The adverse effects of global warming are indicative of how […]

Jun 12, 2020

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7 Useful Tools to Help You Write Like a Pro

“How can I make my articles sound interesting? What can I do to eliminate grammatical errors from my academic writing?”  These are the questions we often ask ourselves every time we write articles or essays for publication.If you are tired of writing mediocre texts and want to add some pizzazz to your articles, here are […]

Jun 5, 2020

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Top 5 Movies, TV Shows and Documentaries about War

  When you think about academic resources, your mind immediately goes to books, journals, online publications. You rarely think of movies and documentaries in these situations. Movies about wars and international armed conflicts provide a lot of context and perspective about the realities of life during wartime on the battlefield and beyond. This article does […]

May 25, 2020

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How Many Pages Is 750 Words When Writing An Essay

College essays fall under the category of academic essays, which means that they should follow a given format. A lot of factors go into determining how many words can go into a page. Sometimes, the professor will specify the parameters of the essay. Most of the time, they will only provide the number of words […]

May 22, 2020

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How many pages is 1000 words

Essay tasks don’t usually provide the number of pages. Of course, it may be useful for students who manage a text by hand, print it, or are trying to measure the writing time. But the thing is, no one can say precisely how many pages is 1000 words. It depends on the handwriting style and […]

May 22, 2020

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How to Write a Book Title in an Essay – Italicize or Underline?

When creating an essay – either serious analytical work or an expression of your views on a specific topic – you can’t avoid mentioning titles of other publications, as it is one of the most potent instruments a student can possess. Judge for yourself: your arguments can be marked as irrelevant by a meticulous professor, […]

Jan 11, 2020

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Wow Them Like Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, a modern computer genius, scientist, inventor, enthusiast, polymath. How many more words come to your mind speaking about this extraordinary person? Someone adores him, someone respects, others envy. Was he a born genius or a person who created himself? The main spoiler of this article – I won’t convince you that you’ll become […]

Apr 26, 2019

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How 5-Hour Rule Can Change Your Life

Do you want to be as successful as Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk or Oprah Winfrey? They have hundred million dollars funds, but still, all of these modern geniuses work hard and keep spending a long time learning and discovering something new.

Apr 23, 2019

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