Wow Them Like Steve Jobs
Apr 26, 2019
Steve Jobs, a modern computer genius, scientist, inventor, enthusiast, polymath. How many more words come to your mind speaking about this extraordinary person? Someone adores him, someone respects, others envy. Was he a born genius or a person who created himself?
The main spoiler of this article – I won’t convince you that you’ll become another Steve Jobs. It’s unfair and banal. A better idea is to use some of his strategies and approaches to build your better self and achieve personal heights. To WOW like Steve Jobs did. So I want to help you become another of HIS kind!
Steve was born to a couple who was too young to take care of him, so he later was adopted. I won’t tell you a story of his life – you can find it on the Internet. What’s more important here is that he didn’t have wealthy parents to fight his way to the top. Instead, he had his own way to make in the world. His life was full of ups and downs, but he kept being enthusiastic about his job, his life, and his dreams.
In navigating the journey of self-improvement and personal development, the role of an assignment writing company can be pivotal, especially for students and young professionals. These companies, staffed with experienced writers and educators, can offer insights and guidance in articulating one’s thoughts and ideas effectively. For instance, while discussing the innovative approaches of Steve Jobs, a student might struggle to express how these strategies can be applied in their own life. This is where an assignment writing company comes into play, providing assistance in structuring these thoughts coherently and creatively. Their expertise not only aids in crafting well-written assignments but also helps in absorbing and applying the wisdom of influential figures like Jobs. It’s about learning to express oneself in a manner that’s both persuasive and authentic, much like Jobs did in his illustrious career.

A unique thing about this person is that he had his own sense of living. He WOWed people with his approaches and ideas. At some moments of his life he knew what he wanted and experienced prosperity, but at others, he was searching for spiritual enlightenment and inner help. Steve Jobs was building his personality, making an own creature of himself and had a spectacular life philosophy which is imaged in the following strategies:
Approach #1 – ‘Think different.’
One should graduate from the university. That’s a widespread social prejudice. Jobs had never graduated but created his path without a diploma. Despite this fact, he has never motivated someone to avoid studying at the university or quit it. But what if a university can’t give you an appropriate knowledge, satisfying approach or studying doesn’t meet your needs or expectations? It’s believed that you can’t become successful without a diploma. But Jobs and many other modern entrepreneurs, Mark Zuckerberg for example, disproved this idea. As they all believe, your primary goal is to find the right field and start to self-educate. You can also follow the 5-hour rule [Steve Jobs passionately followed of it] and create your studying schedule.
Approach #2 – ‘Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.’
A prevalent issue of many people is that they don’t trust their feelings. The fear of failure and a desire to meet someone’s expectations make people get into the trap of hesitation. But one can achieve his aims and make his dreams come true only if he believes in himself and overcomes his fears. Trust your intuition and your heart. Also don’t be afraid to take risks. If you genuinely want to become successful, you need to be decisive. Sometimes it would be hard. Sometimes you would need to sacrifice. But remember: success has its price.
Approach #3 – ‘The only way to do great work, is to love what you do.’
The only way to become successful is to love what you do and work hard for it. When you’re passionate about what you do, you invest your time, effort, heart and soul in it. You generate ideas and are full of enthusiasm. A loving attitude towards your job is halfway to the success.
Approach #4 – ‘It’s impossible to fail if you learn from your mistakes. Don’t give up.’
Never give up under any condition or circumstance. You’ll always have time to give up; it’s easy. Fighting for your ideas and struggling for your beliefs is much harder but it gives you strength. Personal failure is the best opportunity to learn and improve. Failures make us stronger, more persuasive and ready to fight. Things would be boring if easier. We would neglect our achievements and take them for granted if we didn’t need to work hard for them. Didn’t need to prove we mean something. Steve Jobs got fired from Apple, a company he started himself, but he claimed it to be one of the best things happened to him because it helped him to start another company [NeXT], overthink his values and ascertain that what he’s doing is his career.
Approach #5 – ‘Dream big.’
Only those who are courageous enough to dream big succeed. When you imagine big, you don’t set any limitations to yourself. You lay down an aim and do your best to achieve it. Impossible dreams are the best to deliver. Why? Because when something feels improbable and unapproachable, it encourages one to strive to work harder and step out of his comfort zone, increases one’s potential. Dream big – succeed big!
Implementing those tactics into your life would help you think creatively and act determinately. Steve Jobs achieved everything himself, so can you. But using his techniques may help you figure things out faster and find your way more relaxed. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, stick to your point of view and be passionate about your ambitions. And maybe someday people would say you: ‘Oh wow! Oh wow! Oh wow!’
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