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Essay writing help and tips from our writers. Check out also our samples and examples.

Top 5 Scientific Discoveries 2020

Life as we knew it came to a halt all over the world around March of 2020. The eerie silence of empty streets, formerly bustling with life, brought a sinking feeling that forced us to reflect on humanity’s impact on the environment. But as the classroom doors closed, the laboratories stayed open, and the scientists […]

Oct 12, 2020

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7 Most Amazing Student Clothing Trends in 2020

As the school year is about to start, you are probably wondering if you should upgrade your wardrobe. But due to the long pause in campus life, you might be out of touch with the latest fashion trends.  Don’t sweat it; we will help you out the most amazing student clothing trends of the year. […]

Oct 2, 2020

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What are the best words to start a paragraph in an essay?

The beginning or introduction is perhaps the most important part of any essay. The way we start writing will define the overall quality of our work. If we are able to capture our readers’ attention from the very start, we can very much expect the whole essay to be read with interest and attention. It […]

Oct 2, 2020

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The reasons why you hate writing essays

Essay writing is more about creativity than about strict, fact-based reporting or giving a straight answer to a question. However, creativity is not everybody’s merit. This is the first and perhaps the most widely spread reason why many people hate writing essays. Even though most essays have a fixed topic or a question to be […]

Sep 30, 2020

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Top 7 Women Teachers in the U.S. 2020

The teaching profession has remained one of the noblest professions since the dawn of human civilization. These heroes devote their lives to imparting knowledge to future generations. And in the present climate, their importance to the academic system cannot be overstated. However, this year has been quite tumultuous and extraordinary, presenting new challenges to educators […]

Sep 28, 2020

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What are some tips to write a thesis statement for a narrative essay?

Let us first define what a narrative essay is and how it is different from other types of essays. There are four major types of essays: a descriptive essay (painting a picture), an expository essay (focus on facts), a persuasive essay (convincing the reader), and a narrative essay (story-telling).  A narrative essay is a type […]

Sep 25, 2020

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What are the five parts of an essay?

Essays are a very popular form of academic papers. Everyone must have heard about them and have written essays during high school or college years. However, the popularity of essays does not positively correlate with how well people can actually write them. In other words, many still struggle with writing essays even as seniors in […]

Sep 24, 2020

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What are some tips for writing a 300-word essay?

Essays may vary in length and may be as long as 5 pages and over 3000 words. Your requirement of 300 words is perhaps the shortest an essay could be. However, such a short length does not mean that you should not take this assignment seriously, after all – a short essay is still an […]

Sep 21, 2020

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5 Most Popular Trends for Students in 2020

The year 2020 feels like a chapter of an apocalyptic, dystopian novel series. At some point, students had no idea whether the school year would be canceled indefinitely. Admit it; you thought for a brief moment that your exams or finals would be pushed back to give you more time to prepare. But due to […]

Sep 21, 2020

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