5 Most Popular Trends for Students in 2020
Sep 21, 2020

The year 2020 feels like a chapter of an apocalyptic, dystopian novel series. At some point, students had no idea whether the school year would be canceled indefinitely. Admit it; you thought for a brief moment that your exams or finals would be pushed back to give you more time to prepare.
But due to the ingenuity of educators, the school year has continued, and the students have to adjust to a new way of life in high school and college quickly.
Here are the most popular student trends in 2020:
1.Online classes
When they are not pranking their teachers on Zoom, students are busy writing tests and submitting their assignments via online campuses. Although the transition to virtual classrooms was relatively smooth, most students still struggled to adjust to the new status quo.
Now, every student that doesn’t have Zoom, Skype, or other forms of video conferencing will struggle to stay in touch with their teachers and peers.
2. Personalized learning
Due to the prevalence of online classes, students now have the chance to choose their curriculum and attend their classes in their comfort zones. Most schools now allow students to arrange their learning plan according to their convenience.
3. AI-induced learning
Students used to studying face-to-face with teachers now have to deal with AI. The only means of contact with the teacher is via email, video conferencing, or comments on your work. Younger pupils in kindergarten and middle school now use AI-generated games to replicate tasks.
4. Soft skills acquisition
Due to the effects of the pandemic on most professions, students are now more focused on STEM fields. More young people are taking up programming and software development to stay with the rapidly changing landscape.
5. Tik Tok, says the Twitterverse.
Well, kids will always do what kids do. The engagement of young people worldwide on social media platforms like TikTok has increased exponentially since March of 2020. Also, the Twitterverse (hip slang for Twitter Universe) has seen a lot of young people participating in social justice movements…or simply sharing memes with friends.
The world is changing rapidly, and the education system with it. The old conventions are making way for more progressive ideas. Stay in tune with the shifting landscape to avoid lagging behind your peers.
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