What Is a Persuasive Essay and How Do You Write One?

Jul 1, 2024

Communication is a key part of all aspects of our lives. Learning how to express yourself and persuade others can help you navigate complex situations and strengthen your connections with others. Writing pieces that persuade helps you improve at advocating your ideas and influencing others; however, composing essays can be challenging. So, here is an informative guide on crafting papers that aim to persuade and sample topics to inspire your writing.

What Is a Persuasive Essay and What’s Its Purpose?

An essay that persuades aims to convince the reader to agree with a specific point of view or to take particular action by creating convincing arguments using logic, reason, and emotional appeal. In a persuasive essay, the writer uses facts, statistics, and research to build a good case and then uses logic to present the ideas clearly and in an organized manner. They might sometimes tap into some of the reader’s fears, values, and aspirations to create a strong urge to agree with them.

How to Write a Persuasive Essay That Wins

Learning how to write a persuasive essay entails mastering key elements that make a paper convincing.

  • Start with an interesting topic.

The first is picking an issue or topic that is arguable from one standpoint; the topic must be thought-provoking. We won’t stop here because we will discuss this in more detail later.

  • Catch their attention with a hook.

Grab your reader’s attention right away from the first lines. Be original: Instead of the usual facts or quotes, try starting with an intriguing story or a surprising angle related to your topic.

  • Strengthen your credibility.

Do this so your audience trusts you. Add some research and statistics in your persuasive essay, and include your personal experiences or insights to show your expertise. Citing lesser-known experts or studies can also add a fresh perspective and show you’ve thoroughly explored the topic.

  • State a clear thesis.

Crafting a good thesis helps you state your viewpoint on the issue, so ensure adding it to a persuasive essay outline if you prepare one. Your thesis should be clear and concise, capturing the main point of your argument and aligning with your chosen topic.

  • Be convincing.

Choose words and phrases that create a sense of significance and emotion, encouraging the reader to act. Use rhetorical tricks like parallelism or repetition to strengthen your argument. Maintain a tone that is confident but respectful. Don’t forget to give a brief overview of the main point you’ll cover to guide your readers.

  • Appeal to logic and emotions.

While emotional appeals can be effective, they must be backed by logic and evidence. Use personal stories, relevant data, expert opinions, and logical reasoning to present a well-rounded argument. Address opposing ideas and show why they don’t hold up.

Persuasive Essay Outline and Why You Need One

The outline is a structured plan that organizes all the paper components, including each section’s structure and main ideas. It acts as a blueprint to keep the paper organized and keeps you from straying from the main points. It also helps you arrange your ideas logically to achieve good flow. The benefits of creating an outline are worth the extra minutes you will spend on it.

The outline captures the standard 5 paragraph persuasive essay format with an introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, you can adjust your outline depending on the size of your work and the number of paragraphs.

How to Start a Persuasive Essay Properly

You need a strong introduction to capture your reader’s attention early and set the stage for your argument. There are various ways to achieve that, but the most effective one is to start with a hook.

What is a persuasive essay hook? It is an intriguing fact, story, or query to draw readers in and encourage them to keep reading. The hook relates to the subject and introduces your primary point.

Finding good hooks is easy when you understand your topic’s main issue and audience. Thus, you must research your topic well to find a good anecdote, question, or statistic. Your hook must only be a sentence or two in length but, most importantly, be interesting to inspire your audience to keep reading.

The Correct Persuasive Essay Format

Essays that aim to persuade readers usually follow a specific format that makes it easy for the reader to understand the primary arguments. As revealed in the outline example, the format comprises three main sections: introduction, body segment, and conclusion.


While we’ve discussed how to start a persuasive essay, we only mentioned the hook, which makes up the first two sentences of the introduction. The introduction contains the hook, background information, and thesis. As mentioned, the hook captures the readers’ attention and familiarizes them with your key argument.

The background section then gives readers an overview of the topic and some context so they can better understand the issue you’ll be discussing. Additionally, this is the place to discuss the importance of your subject and why the reader can be interested.

The last segment of a persuasive essay introduction is a thesis statement. It is a succinct declaration outlining your position on the matter. It guides the whole writing and needs to be specific and debatable.


The body comprises several paragraphs that comprise the bulk of the paper because they contain all the arguments and counterarguments to your persuasive essay ideas. Every body paragraph has a single central point, introduced by the topic sentence that comes first.

From there, support the arguments with evidence and examples and explain how the evidence connects to the main points. The last section of the body acknowledges and addresses the counterarguments and transitions to the closing.


The last section of the persuasive essay structure is the conclusion. It sums up the paper’s main points. Start here by reminding your readers of the main argument by reaffirming the thesis. Then, summarize your main points and end by motivating the audience to adopt your viewpoint or urging them to take a specific action.

Choosing Persuasive Essay Topics That Convince

Picking good ideas is usually an exciting and daunting task. The excitement of choosing your favorite topics can be eclipsed by the frustration of being unable to complete the paper. Students often get stuck writing essays that persuade because they choose persuasive essay topics that are either too broad, too narrow, or too complex.

Here are some factors to consider before choosing topics.

  • Personal connection: Choose something you personally care about.
  • Relevance: It has to cover the actual issues to keep the readers interested and engaged.
  • Debatable: There should be two valid conflicting sides to invite an argument.
  • Researchable: You must be able to find enough information and credible facts.
  • Level of skill: Find something that fits your writing and research skills, and avoid complex ones.

These factors help to select ideas for your persuasive essay, resulting in well-researched and written documents. In addition to the above, we have compiled several ideas to motivate you and boost your creativity.

10 Good Persuasive Essay Topics on Education

Education is a cornerstone of every thriving society, and there are a lot of debates about the best practices, especially regarding the future of learning. Here are some interesting persuasive essay topics for students interested in this theme.

  1. Is homeschooling a better alternative to traditional learning?
  2. Why do all students have to receive a free college education?
  3. Is technology a distraction or a valuable tool in the classroom?
  4. Should schools emphasize vocational training alongside traditional academics?
  5. Is online education the primary substitute for conventional classroom instruction?
  6. Are education apps effective for improving student engagement and learning outcomes?
  7. Should public schools implement stricter dress codes to create a more focused learning environment?
  8. Do standardized tests accurately measure student achievement or encourage education inequalities?
  9. Is it appropriate for schools to teach comprehensive sex education?
  10. Is funding art education essential for students’ development and creativity?

Sports Persuasive Essay Topics High School Students Can Discuss

With persuasive essay topics high school students would be interested to cover various issues and debates already existing in high school, such as issues around sports. These ideas are relatively easier to manage, which makes them perfect for students writing a persuasive essay. Here are some hot ones:

  1. Should high schools prioritize athletic programs over academic clubs?
  2. Do high school sports offer valuable learning experiences beyond athletics?
  3. Do the benefits of sports outweigh the potential injury risks for students?
  4. Can E-sports be considered a legitimate competition for high school competition?
  5. Do we need high school athletes to be allowed to transfer to more competitive sports programs?
  6. Is there enough emphasis on sportsmanship and fair play in high school sports?
  7. Should high school athletes be paid for their performances and endorsements?
  8. Is it fair to allocate more money to popular sports like football and basketball over less popular ones?
  9. Do we need student-athletes to maintain specific grade averages to participate in sports?
  10. Should high school athletes be drug tested?

Best Persuasive Essay Topics on Mental Health

Mental wellness is a crucial issue for many, as it has real implications. This makes it relevant and beneficial for students to explore. Here are the best persuasive essay ideas that students can approach from different angles and use their critical thinking to construct great arguments.

  1. Should mental wellness education be mandatory in schools?
  2. Does social media use improve or worsen mental wellness?
  3. Should companies include mental wellness days in their benefits packages for staff members?
  4. Is there enough funding for mental health services in schools?
  5. Should all students be required to undergo mental health screenings?
  6. Should insurance companies cover mental health services as they do for physical health?
  7. Is the stigma around mental health issues decreasing?
  8. Are online therapy platforms a viable alternative to traditional In-person therapy?
  9. Is social media addiction a real mental health issue, and should it be addressed?
  10. Are current anti-bullying campaigns helpful in preventing mental health issues among young people?

Controversial Persuasive Essay Topics for Students

Controversy discussions are perfect for helping students engage with their essays. It’s because controversial thoughts always evoke a lot of emotion and readers’ interest. However, they tend to be more complex and require more research as they will often address the current challenges in society. Here are some good persuasive essay topics currently surrounded by controversy.

  1. Should everyone receive guaranteed basic income regardless of employment status?
  2. Should social media be held responsible for users sharing misinformation?
  3. Do the potential benefits of AI outweigh the risks of job displacement?
  4. Should governments prioritize security over individual privacy rights?
  5. Do individual actions like reusing and recycling make a significant impact on climate change?
  6. Do environmental sustainability measures hinder economic growth?
  7. Should certain recreational drugs be legalized to reduce criminal activity and promote public health?
  8. Should people with a terminal illness be allowed to request assisted suicide?
  9. Do we need to reform the jury selection process to improve diversity and representation in courts?
  10. What should prisons focus on – punishment or rehabilitation?

How to Address Counterarguments in Your Essay Correctly

We hope these best persuasive essay topics resonated with you. Feel free to use or adapt them slightly to suit your needs. But that is not all. At the end of this article, we would like to discuss working with counterarguments, which, if used correctly, can significantly strengthen your essay.

  • Identify valid points: If you find some points in the counterargument you agree with, acknowledge them. Then, explain why these points are not crucial to your main idea.
  • Question the evidence: If the counterargument uses different evidence and opinions, explain clearly why it isn’t reliable or trustworthy.
  • Dispute other interpretations: If the counterargument interprets the evidence differently, clarify why their interpretation is incorrect.
  • Refute weak evidence: If the counterargument uses evidence that seems to weaken your point, explain why it doesn’t actually disprove your words.

And, of course, remember that although the persuasive essay is the best place for debate, you need to remain objective and ethical. Respect other people’s opinions and do not reject them simply because you think differently. Persuasion always begins with the recognition of others.


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