How we hire our
99Papers writers

We’re eager to reveal who stands behind all the awesome grades of yours! Here’s everything you should know about our 99papers writers

You probably wonder if we assign your paper to a real professional who knows about your topic and has enough subject expertise.

To satisfy your demands, we can offer 99Papers paper writing services provided by creators from top U.S. and U.K. universities, as well as ESL writers with perfect command of written and spoken English.

We work with professional freelance writers who passed a complicated application process and verified their academic background.

Check out our recruitment process

so that you feel safe placing your order

Resume screening and review Resume screening and review

Resume screening
and review

We want to make sure our 99Papers writers have real academic achievements backed up by academic certificates and diplomas. We also verify that the documents belong to the person who is going to work for us.

Pass rate - 90% of applicants

Verifying academic

Our writers must pass the following three tests before they can move further:

Academic writing proficiency

Passing this test means the writer has experience in academic writing, follows the standards of formatting, knows the typical structure of the most common types of 99papers writing assignments, and understands all the dos and don'ts of paper writing.

Subject proficiency

This test is used to confirm that the 99Papers essay writer actually knows the subject indicated as their major. We know there are plenty of fake certificates and we want to make sure our writers have the knowledge.

English language test

Writers who are not native English speakers, must verify their language proficiency. They must prove they have a perfect command of English language, passing a set of complicated writing tests, evaluated by certified language tutors.

Pass rate - 10% of applicants

Verifying academic credentials Verifying academic credentials
Resume screening and review Resume screening and review

Sample paper test

Our team of high-profile essay editors check every paper thoroughly and show no mercy towards mistakes and typos. The sample works the candidates submit must pass this rigorous control point, allowing only the best creators to join our platform.

Pass rate - 1% of applicants

Starts Working Resume screening and review

Writer starts working with us

Starts Working
Starts Working Resume screening and review

Ongoing check of writing services

We ensure our writers keep up the good work and maintain the quality level of writing we expect from them by consistent ongoing quality proof. We do that by checking randomly selected orders of particular writers chosen on a monthly basis.

Ongoing check of writing services

That’s how we guarantee the top quality of paper writing assistance.

Place your inquiry now - it’s Free!