How to Write a Definition Essay?

Mar 26, 2024

How to Write a Definition Essay

How important is a definition? When you learn a new subject in college, read a user manual to a kitchen device for your home, or receive a threshold for safe blood pressure monitor readings from your physician – the accuracy and validity of the definition are everything. Interestingly, you can learn a lot about the art of definition from a simple definition paper, or essay, which is the subject of this very guide.

What is Definition Writing and When Should It Be Used?

Definition writing is the process of expressing the essence, meaning, and significance of a term, idea, or concept. To avoid misunderstanding and ambiguity, the definition writing must provide a clear and precise explanation. 

One thing is when a manufacturer ill-defines a point in a user manual to a kitchen oven, perhaps even a very important point, while it’s another thing to define a wrong blood pressure threshold in an in-house monitor device, which could cost an elderly person a life.    

What is definition in writing after all, and when is it used? As it happens, definition writing is used in many contexts in life, starting from academic papers, and extending to everyday communications. 




Academic Papers In academic papers, definition writing is used to clearly define key terms or concepts, ensuring that readers understand the terminology used and the context of the research or discussion. Providing definitions to several terms in an essay on history, e.g., “democracy”, “liberalism”, “anarchy”, etc. 
Technical Documents In technical documents, definition writing is crucial for providing precise definitions of specialized terms, jargon, or technical concepts, helping readers navigate complex information accurately. Defining technical terms like “algorithm,” “HTML,” or “nanotechnology” in a software manual or engineering report.
Everyday Conversations In everyday conversations, definition writing occurs informally to explain unfamiliar words or concepts, enhance understanding, or resolve misunderstandings between speakers. Clarifying the meaning of terms: “get the upper hand”, “see the light of day”, “out someone through the wringer”, and others.

What is the Purpose of a Definition Essay?

A definition essay, also known as a definition paper, is an academic paper aimed at explaining the meaning of a term, notion, phenomenon, concept, or idea. It teaches students, or whoever practices writing it, the art of definition writing. 

As the genre suggests, this type of paper is short, normally 2-3 pages in a standard 12-size font. By undertaking to master writing a definition paper, students learn to be concise in their written expressions and to convey their thoughts with clarity. An essay about definitions is a perfect training ground for definition writing as such.  

Preparing a Definition Essay Outline

In definition writing, an outline is the key. It represents a detailed roadmap for the entire paper and helps the writer to target a clear goal (aka thesis statement) with attainable milestones (aka elements of the essay’s structure).

For a better visibility, in this guide we will take a topic, “Discovering the Concept of Singularity: A Modern Definition”, and write down an outline for you:

    1. Introduction
      • A historical context of the concept of singularity;
      • Importance of singularity in the context of technology and futurism;
      • Thesis statement: this essay will aim to give a modern definition of the concept of singularity, and pinpoint its significance for the future of humanity. 
    2. Historical Background of Singularity
      • Explanation of the origins and evolution of the concept;
      • A brief overview of key thinkers and theories that have developed the concept;
      • Modern depictions of singularity in cosmology and science fiction literature.
    3. Defining Singularity
      • Examination of various definitions and interpretations of singularity;
      • Analysis of how singularity is understood in different fields such as cosmology, technology, and futurism;
      • Discussion of common characteristics of singularity.
    4. Implications of Singularity
      • Analysis of the impact and consequences of singularity for humanity;
      • What do the representatives of optimistic and pessimistic camps say about the prospects of technological singularity?
    5. Conclusion
      • Summary of the key conceptual ideas expressed in the essay;
      • Reiteration of the importance of understanding singularity;
      • Call to action for further attention and practical research into the concept.

This was only an exemplary (one out of many possible others) outline on the given topic. However, on the very same topic, you may come up with your own outline content, define its scope, and develop a unique thesis statement, and the main body. For instance, instead of discussing all possible manifestations of the concept of singularity, you may focus only on its cosmological or technological context.

Definition Essay Topics Examples

Some students always make the same kind of mistake – they come up with overly broad topics. In a definition paper, this can be fatal. For example, consider the following formulation of the above-mentioned topic about singularity:

Exploring the Concept of Singularity: Let’s Talk About It    

In this topic, the scope is too broad. It may not be possible to talk about every single aspect of a singularity concept in such a short paper as an essay.

Here are some other examples of clear and feasible (narrow enough to be doable/researchable) definition paper topics to understand the difference:

      • Definition of Care: What Does it Mean to Care for Someone?
      • The Concept of Fairness in Education: What Makes Student Assessment Fair?
      • The Essence of Entrepreneurship: Why Some People Are More Successful in Business Than Others?
      • Understanding Friendship: What Makes You Say That Someone is Your Friend?

In all the above topics (which are broad by nature), there is a clarification of the scope and focus following a colon sign.  

Tips for writing a definition essay

The tips below effectively summarize all the important wisdom from this guide, as well as provide some additional advice for writing a definition paper:

      • Always research the topic of your essay (gather information from reliable sources), even if you think you know it.
      • Keep the scope clear and concise; narrow down the concepts/ideas that are broad by nature.  
      • When writing, try to adhere to a standard definition essay format: introduction, main body, and conclusion.
      • Define the subject of your essay in your own words, demonstrating your understanding and interpretation.
      • Include examples: illustrate your definition with real-life examples, anecdotes, or case studies. 

For better visibility and comprehension, you can find plenty of definition essay examples online, e.g., in free databases, dedicated writing guides and resources, as well as student writing help services.

The Key Takeaway

Learning the art of definition writing is an excellent way to broaden one’s knowledge base, learn something new, as well as acquire essential skills in academic writing. Inexperienced writers often allow too much ambiguity in their definitions; however, this mistake can be easily avoided by thoroughly researching the subject and narrowing the scope of one’s work. In this guide, we have shown the proper way of doing it by taking a popular topic of singularity and preparing a thorough outline with a clear thesis statement, definitions, and implications.


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