How to Write a Commentary Essay?

Nov 22, 2023

How to Write a Commentary Essay

The commentary essay is a fascinating genre with diverse real-world applications. Regrettably, academic programs often neglect this valuable form of expression, leaving students without a very basic understanding of how to compose one. 

We’d like to compensate for this discrepancy. Starting with answering the basic question of “What is commentary in writing?” and then, moving directly into the practicalities of writing a commentary essay, we intend to give you ample guidelines and essay commentary examples.

Suppose you ever find yourself facing challenges in writing a commentary essay or require assistance in any aspect of your academic assignment. In that case, you may wonder, “Can someone do my assignment for me?” The answer is yes, you can seek professional help to ensure your assignments, including commentary essays, meet the required standards and effectively convey your insights.

Services that offer “do my assignment” help can provide you with experienced writers who understand the intricacies of crafting engaging commentary essays. Whether you need assistance in selecting the right subject, refining your tone of voice, or ensuring proper referencing, professional help is readily available.

By collaborating with skilled writers, you can develop the necessary skills and gain valuable insights to excel in your commentary essay writing. Remember, seeking assistance when needed is a practical way to enhance your academic writing capabilities while achieving your goals.

What is a Commentary Paper?

When you are required to give your opinion on a particular topic or idea voiced in class, you are essentially asked to comment on it. Such commentary, however, has little to do with sports match commentaries, which mostly denote bare statements of facts. On the contrary, the teacher expects you to share with the class your interpretation of something, to tell everyone what you think of it. 

What’s a commentary paper then? It is a type of paper that provides interpretation and analysis of the given subject. The latter can be represented by a book, text, event, idea, concept, or issue. The purpose of the commentary paper is to provide the writer’s personal opinion, insights, and understanding of a particular subject.

That answers the popular question of “What is commentary in an essay?” as commentary in this respect goes beyond mere summarizing of facts and extends to the writer’s thoughts, analysis, and reflections. 

Commentary vs Interpretation

A commentary essay often gets confused with an interpretation essay. They may appear as a similar type of assignment as they share certain things in common, however, they also exhibit several important differences.


  • Both commentary and interpretation essays involve a thorough analysis of the subject.
  • Both may use evidence from the studied subject or other sources to support arguments.
  • Both follow a structured format with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.



Commentary Essay

Interpretation Essay

Focus On the writer’s personal opinions and reflections. The emphasis is on expressing the writer’s subjective perspective on the subject. On providing an objective analysis and interpretation of the subject. The emphasis is on uncovering the meaning inherent in the content.
Analysis The primary goal is to reflect on the writer’s thoughts and reactions. The analysis serves as a means to support and develop the writer’s commentary. The writer’s goal is to uncover the author’s intentions, themes, and other elements without injecting a significant amount of personal opinion.
Tone of Voice Subjective and personal. Writers may use first-person pronouns and share their emotional responses to the subject. Formal and academic. The focus is on presenting a well-reasoned argument based on evidence.
Personal Experience Extensive use of personal experience Limited use of personal experience


How to Write a Good Commentary Essay

For a good commentary essay, you must ensure the following three critical components are in place:

  1. Analysis and personal reflection. Commentary essay requires you to explicitly state your reflections on the chosen subject. This is achieved by applying critical thinking and performing thoughtful analysis of the subject under review.
  2. Clear structure. Like other essays, a commentary essay follows a clear structure: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The introduction sets the stage for the commentary, the body paragraphs present the analysis and evidence, and the conclusion summarizes the main results and inspires the audience to reflect further on the given topic.
  3. Thesis statement. You must come up with a focused thesis statement that represents the main point or argument of your commentary. The thesis guides the reader and helps maintain a clear focus throughout the essay.

Prioritizing quality writing? Consider including examples to support your thesis. Inclusion of evidence in the form of quotes from literary sources is especially important, as it helps establish a direct link with the original source and present your arguments as based on factual data, rather than bare hypothetical reasoning. 

Referencing the original sources in a commentary essay is a big deal, so prepare to use one of the commonly acknowledged citation styles (usually, it is APA, the American Psychological Association – a go-to style in humanities and social studies). 

Commentary Essay Outline

To comfort your writing process, consider preparing a sketch of your essay – an outline. It is enough to write down only the introductory part and the body paragraphs, as the last one, the conclusion, you cannot detail until you’ve written the first two parts:


  • Introduce the topic and provide background information.
  • Give a brief overview of the points you’ll address in the body paragraphs.
  • Present a clear thesis statement outlining the main point of your commentary.

Body Paragraphs:

  • Each paragraph should focus on a specific aspect or a point related to your thesis.
  • Provide analysis, evidence, and examples to support your points.
  • Start with the most important commentary point and move on down the importance list. Consider addressing counterarguments in the last body paragraphs.

In the conclusion, you need to sum up the most critical points/insights from your commentary and highlight their significance. You can do this by reiterating the main thesis, or by explicitly stating how your insights contribute to the understanding of the given subject.

Possible Topics for a Commentary Essay

The choice of topics for a commentary essay is very wide. The important thing is to be in tune with your inner self, as the only way you can write a good essay of this genre is by commenting on something you feel truly inspired by (ideally, also highly knowledgeable in). Examples of possible topics include:

  • The Description of Social Relationships in Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice.”
  • Discussing the Influence of Video Games on Teenagers’ Cognitive Skills.
  • Analyzing the Portrayal of Protagonists in Modern Cinema.
  • The Evolution of Friendship in J.D. Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye.”
  • The Impact of Immigration Policies and Cultural Diversity on Your Country.
  • Exploring the Physiological and Psychological Effects of Social Isolation on Youth.
  • Analyzing the Use of Sarcasm in George Orwell’s “Animal Farm.”
  • The Influence of Political Satire on the Voting Choices People Make.
  • The Use of Irony in Oscar Wilde’s Famous “The Importance of Being Earnest.”
  • Discussing the Ethics of Personal Privacy in the Digital Age.

How to Add Commentary in an Essay

Adding commentary to your essay should feel natural as if you’re sharing your opinion on a book or a movie in a conversation with a good friend. 

For instance, take one aspect or fact from a book you’ve read and comment on it based on your genuine understanding and convictions. Backing up your story with context analysis and direct quotes is a must in this essay type.

What is commentary in a paragraph?

All body paragraphs of your essay should be devoted to commenting on certain aspects of the chosen subject. 

Start each paragraph with a topic sentence – the theme of this particular paragraph. It is perfectly fine to start with a direct quote from a source text, or with a description of a specific aspect, e.g., the literary genre the author is using in the article or the atmosphere of a given social or historical setting depicted in a book.

In the same manner, add one commentary paragraph after another, smoothly developing your opinion in support of the thesis statement. Begin with the paragraph providing the most important evidence, and move on toward the least important one.

Short Commentary Examples

To give you a sense and feel of some of the real commentaries in essays, below we provide a few short examples. These examples represent brief commentaries on different types of literary works:

Example 1: Commentary on a Poem.

Poem: “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost

In Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken,” the speaker reflects on a pivotal moment of decision in
life. The choice of paths becomes a metaphor for life’s journey and the consequences of the
choices we make. Frost’s use of vivid imagery, such as the diverging roads in the woods, creates
a powerful visual representation of the decision-making process. The repetition of the phrase “I
doubted if I should ever come back” underscores the weight of the decision. Personally, this
poem resonates with me as it captures the universal experience of grappling with decisions that
shape our destinies.

Example 2: Commentary on an Article

Article: “The Impact of Technology on Education”

In the article “The Impact of Technology on Education,” the author explores the evolving role of
technology in the educational landscape. The argument that technology enhances learning
experiences is supported by examples of interactive learning platforms and digital resources.
While I acknowledge the benefits, | am also mindful of the potential drawbacks, such as the
digital divide and the risk of over-reliance on technology. As a student, | have experienced both

the advantages and challenges of technology in education, highlighting the need for a balanced
and inclusive approach to its integration.

Example 3: Commentary on a Short Story

Short Story: “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” is a chilling exploration of conformity and the dark side of
tradition. The seemingly innocuous ritual of a small-town lottery takes a sinister turn,
challenging the reader to reflect on the dangers of blindly following tradition. The shocking
ending forces us to question the morality of societal norms. The use of symbolism, particularly
the black box and the ritualistic nature of the lottery, adds layers of meaning to the narrative.
This story serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of unexamined customs and
blind obedience.

The RIGHT and WRONG in the Commentary Essay Writing

Lastly, here is a short comparative table of what is Right and Wrong in commentary essay writing. Once you find yourself fully immersed in the writing process, this summary can be used as a checklist: 




Subject The subject you know well and feel passionate about commenting on. A subject you’re not interested in commenting on and don’t know a lot about.
Tone of Voice Subjective and personal, using first-person pronouns and emotional responses. Formal and academic, using third-person pronouns and neutral responses.   
Purpose To reflect on the writer’s thoughts and reactions and to support and develop the writer’s commentary. To uncover the author’s intentions and purpose without reflecting the writer’s personal opinion.
Referencing Extensive referencing following a chosen style guide.  A single reference for the sake of academic standards.


Final Remarks

Investing only a fraction of your time into learning the art of writing a commentary essay now, you are doing a big favor for yourself in the future. The acquired skills and experience in thoughtful and argumentative commentary will become indispensable in many of your academic and professional pursuits. Moreover, such skills will add value to your social commentary, whether it’s requesting feedback on a purchased product or chatting casually with friends. You will always know how to criticize, but remain constructive and true to your inner self. 


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